Teen Outreach Program
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Teen Outreach Program (TOP) is a 9-month program provided by Wyman that promotes the positive development of adolescents through curriculum-guided, interactive group discussions. With positive adult guidance and support, along with community service learning, the teens will learn valuable life skills that will enable them to become high-functioning members of society. The TOP program has been successfully replicated by Wyman partners across the U.S. since its creation in 1978. It has been proven to promote positive youth development by both the U.S. Department of Justice (Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention) and Health and Human Services (Teen Pregnancy Prevention).
TOP Facilitates & Promotes:
- Adolescent Health & Development
- Healthy Relationships
- Communication
- Peer Influence
- Goal Setting
- Decision Making
- Values Clarification
- Community Service Learning
TOP was created to lower teen pregnancy, crime, and other risky behavior rates. According to a report on economic opportunity and preventing youth disengagement, “The Teen Outreach Program (TOP), which operates in multiple sites across the nation, achieved a 30 percent decrease in the pregnancy rate among TOP participants, compared to a two percent decrease among control group participants. Expanding these extracurricular options for youth in working families can help alleviate the disincentives that hinder stable parental employment. They can also lead to improved outcomes for disadvantaged youth.”
Community Service Learning
Youth participating in TOP are required to complete 20 hours of Community Service Learning (CSL). CSL projects are designed to be a meaningful opportunity for youth to connect with their surrounding communities. In addition to the traditional community service, TOP requires the youth to reflect on and learn from the services they provided. After completing each service project, TOP will cover a discussion designed to help the youth apply what they have learned to their real-world experiences.
Anger Management Program
The Anger Management program is provided by Mr. Alexander King, a certified Anger Management Specialist. Mr. King has obtained certification as CAMS-II, which is a Clinical Anger Management Certification. While this program does differ from traditional counseling in many ways, it does still use a combination of mental health techniques to positively serve youth.
Plans for Future Programs:
Mentorship Program
GED program
Vocational Skills and Training - Job Placement Program
Substance Abuse
Monthly Team Building Picnics
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program